Water Infiltration Behind Concrete Structures

When soil around a concrete structure is compromised and water is able to sink in, the longevity of the concrete can become compromised. Failure to act could result in slowly diminishing structural integrity of the concrete, but a corrective measure could be far out of budget. When stuck with this dilemma, JACKCRETE can help save concrete at a reasonable price and with next to no downtime needed. For most of our concrete underpinning projects, work can be completed in 1-4 days with minimal intrusion. Most other alternatives are 1-2 weeks at a minimum, and require the structure be out of commission for the majority of that timeframe.

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Concrete Underpinning With Jackcrete Spray Foam

By determining the affected areas and injecting in a grid pattern with slow-expanding hydrophobic polyurethane, the voids present beneath the soil can be eradicated and the concrete structure reinforced with a layer of our material. By drilling relief holes our team is able to expel all water from the void prior to it being reinforced. The end result is a healthy concrete structure with a reinforced substrate that is resilient to further water infiltration.

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What Can I Expect During My Meeting?

Our underpinning estimates can take between 30 minutes to 2 hours depending on the scope of work, and may include a second site visit if necessary. We never use high pressure sales tactics- we don’t even discuss pricing during our first meeting. Our focus is to provide you with the best advice on how to fix your problem, whether or not it involves our service.

Once our estimator has gathered all the information they need and arrives back to the office, your proposal is created and sent out either the same day or the following morning. Whenever you have questions about the estimate, we’ll be here to answer them and provide as much help as we can!

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